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Weesp Begroot 2024-2025 | Uitslag

Divide € 450,000 over your favorite plans

Do you live in the Centrum district and are you 12 years or older? Then you'll receive a voting code by post to vote for the plans that you think are best for your neighborhood. You can vote from 17 June to 18 July 2022.

Start voting
How does it work?
Buurtbudget envelop met stemcode
1. Find your voting code in Centrum Budget envelope

All residents of Centrum aged 12 years and older will receive a personal voting code by post. The outside of the envelope clearly states that it contains your voting code for Centrum Begroot.

De beste plannen voor jouw buurt uitzoeken
2. View which plans you think are best for your neighborhood

On this website you can view which plans have been selected for the voting phase of Centrum Begroot. You can read more about the plans and compare them.

Het geld verdelen over de beste plannen
3. Divide € 450,000 over your favorite plans

From 17 June to 18 July you can select plans for a total amount of € 450,000. You need your personal voting code to be able to send your choices. You do not necessarily have to use up the budget of € 450,000 when voting.

De meest populaire plannen worden uitgevoerd
4. The most popular plans will be executed

The plans that are most often chosen by residents of Centrum and that fit within the budget are implemented. The plans will be announced in the week of July 18.


How does it work?

  • Go to ‘Stemmen
  • Select the projects you like, up to a maximum amount of € 450,000 (you can stop adding projects at a lower amount if you wish)
  • Use your personal code, which you find in your personal letter
  • The projects with the most votes will be carried out


Why do we do this?

We have an amount of € 450,000 to spend on project submitted by citizens and entrepreneurs from our city district. All citizens living in the city district can divide the budget amongst these projects in order to decide which projects will be carried out. We find it very important that you tell us what you think is necessary in your neighbourhood, because you know this better than anyone.


Previous to this

From the 28th of February till the 28th of March 2022 the website was open to submit projects. This resulted in 103 projects. 72 projects collected more than 50 likes and were checked on feasibility by our team. This resulted in 60 feasible projects. These 60 projects are now online. On the website you can filter the theme and the neighbourhood to make voting easier.


Questions and Help

If you have questions you can contact the project manager Anita Jolink, via centrumbegroot@amsterdam.nl. If you find online voting difficult, you could ask your friends, family or neighbor for help.

You can also visit the community centre near you. There are people available to help you there. Please take your personal letter with you and proof of identity.

  • Claverhuis

Elandsgracht 70

  • Witte Boei

Kleine Wittenburgerstraat 201

  • Reel

Tussen de bogen 16

  • De Boomspijker

Recht Boomssloot 52

Do you want to vote for someone else? That’s possible. Please take a copy of the passport and a written note of agreement with you.


February 28 up to March 28

Submit plans and collect likes

March 28 up to April 3

Extra week to collect likes

April 4 up to May 3

Feasibility test for submitted plans with more than 50 likes

June 17 up to July 18

Residents choose their favourite plans and divide € 450,000,-

July 22, 2022

Winning plans will be announced


Do you have any questions? First, see if you can find the answer in the Frequently Asked Questions. If you can't find an answer to your question, please email it to centrumbegroot@amsterdam.nl, or send a whatsapp message to 06 82 23 66 96.


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